Honouring Life & Death

It’s been a while since my last blog. Life has been quite the adventure! After the death of my father in 2017, I vowed I would somehow help create a better experience for those approaching death. My father was not treated with the dignity or grace he deserved or promised by the care home. I discovered there was a course offered by Douglas College to become certified as an End of Life Doula, I signed up immediately and completed March 2020, as well as my Mastery level in Shamanic healing, then two weeks later…lockdown. At the start all I did was weep, I was paralyzed by the global death tolls, devastating families everywhere. My volunteer position at the seniors residence was cancelled, truly an enormous loss, working there was like winning the lottery, it brought such joy into my life. I learned so much from the elders, I sat and talked, prayed & laughed with many beautiful souls. I began reaching out to everyone and anyone to support their grief and felt somewhat useful in a very strange time, “a new normal” as it was spoken of. Catching my breath after an unexpected second residential move within one year, I focused on my work and began my End Of Life Doula Practicum which I completed end of August, 2020. Every minute was a blessing and my learning continues taking supplemental courses to strengthen my skills. Our move brought us close to an amazing forest and river, adhering to safety protocols, I began to meet my clients by the rivers edge for sessions. It’s been such a gift to have Mother Nature helping my clients on their journey with grief and empowering the healing process. My mission is to restore rituals in ceremony, reverence, dignity and grace, to our lives. I believe there is always hope and the ability to heal, no matter where you are on your journey. Helping those who are ready to release fear and embrace peace as they transition into the afterlife. I am here to walk with you.