Loved One’s Messages & Guidance

I welcome you to Soul Spa, where our time together will gift you beautiful messages from your beloved. Biding farewell to our loved ones, is one of the most difficult experiences in this lifetime. It may not have been possible to ask certain questions, share your heart, or have resolve, the way you had wished for. My hope for you, receiving their guidance, will make the journey with grief more gentle, peaceful, and strengthen your trust, that all that was, was exactly as it was meant to be. I wish to express, we can all connect with our loved ones, but when we experience loss, we may be too deep in our sorrow to hear their voices and ask for their guidance as we try to move forward without them, in this human experience. Trust they are always with you, for eternity.

No matter how or when they leave this earth, it creates a deep void in our hearts. Over the past 8 years I have been helping people to connect to the soul of their beloveds. Many have unanswered questions, regret, relationships they wish to resolve, this weighs deeply and can affect their wellbeing.  Your loved one’s sacred messages can help  heal you and provide deep inner peace.
Our Session:  Prior to our session I will request 2 questions that you would like to ask your loved one (or – 1 question for 2 loved ones). Please trust that all the messages that are meant for you at this time will be received. They will share beyond what is asked, usually they have more to express. I will channel prior to our time together and share in our session, providing guidance to support integration of the wisdom received. Sessions may be recorded and a PDF of the messages will be forwarded.
I would be honoured to connect with the soul of your beloved and reverently share the messages they lovingly wish to gift at this time, to help you on your journey

Loved One’s Messages & Guidance Sessions

Loved One’s Messages & Guidance 60 Minute Session

Offered Virtually or In-Person

$111.00 CDN includes GST

Friendly Disclaimer

Chalsi Goetz’s services are considered supplementary in nature and should not be considered a replacement for conventional medicine. Please consult your physician or other licensed healthcare professionals for any physical or psychological ailments you may be suffering with or think you may have. By attending any sessions, readings, seminars, classes or workshops provided by Chalsi Goetz, you acknowledge that in no event will Chalsi Goetz be liable directly or indirectly for damages resulting from information, data, classes or healing sessions provided or for the loss of profits through the use or misuse of said information, data, either via it’s use, negligence or other actions.